My Blog Ulterior Motives

The Buzz on Google Buzz

So what is this Google Buzz anyway, and why does it matter?  Well here’s why it matters, why it’s interesting and a bit on what it all means.

One of the cooler things on the internet is something called RSS (Really Simple Syndication).

The definition of RSS is: “family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works, like blog entries, news headlines, audio and video”. Basically, it turns most websites into effectively blogs, making it super easy and super standardized for websites to automatically post new content. It simply posts a new entry, and then the formatting of the site changes how its all displayed.

What this means for you is that you can use an RSS feed reader, like Google Reader, which can take all those RSS feeds you actually like (so maybe all new stories about the Detroit Red Wings, Romance Movies, and Desserts you can make from a can), and it takes all those new news articles and puts them in one easy place for you to read.  Like your own personal unique newspaper.  Buzz just makes it easier to share those bits of info, those RSS feeds, the BUZZ that you think is interesting and give it to the world.

We’re all just becoming info junkies, and thats why I love twitter, and thats why I’m using tumblr to make this simple to write, simple to read RSS feed about… RSS feeds…..

Max Crowley